National Integrated Regional Foodshed Model


The National Integrated Regional Foodsheds Model works toward the goal of supplying the majority of the food for each region from within a defined geographic area. Analogous to the concept of watersheds, integrated regional foodsheds use the efficiency of networks and systems design to dramatically reduce the costs associated with processing and transportation while increasing access to fresh food options. Preliminary analyses indicate that, within the Northeast Region, these foodsheds have the potential to provide a significant percentage of the seasonal regional dietary food needs.

The Model supports the successes of local efforts and explores the challenge of a diversified production for a rational global model compatible with a more sustainable world. This model includes consideration of sourcing, transportation, processing, and retail infrastructure, in consultation with stakeholders interested in emerging new business opportunities.

Image Caption: Urban Design Lab (UDL)

Data Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service 2002 Census of Agriculture